Ecofeminism — understanding the parallels between feminism and environmentalism

The Thinking Lane
7 min readApr 6, 2023


An introduction to the concept of ecofeminism primarily through the work of Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies

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What is ecofeminism?

The term ecofeminism stems from feminist, environmental and pacifist movements that gained popularity from the latter half of 1970s. It is believed that French author, environmentalist and feminist Francoise D’Eaubonne was the first one to use this term.

The central claim of ecofeminism is that female liberation goes hand-in-hand with ecological preservation, and that the former is a part of the latter. Gender inequality is seen as the main cause of the prevailing climate crisis.

Ecofeminism aims to expose ways in which the female population is disproportionately impacted by climate change.

What led to the rise of ecofeminism?

The Three Mile Island Accident (1979) and Bhopal Gas Tragedy (1984) are amongst the disasters that fueled the spark of the ecofeminist movement. The first ecofeminist conference — ‘Women and Life on Earth: A conference on Ecofeminism in the Eighties’— was held in March 1980 in Amherst, USA.

About the authors of Ecofeminism

Maria Mies is a German sociologist and economist. She is known for having proposed the theory of Capitalist-Patriarchy. She has written a number of articles and books on feminism, environment and third-world problems. Before her retirement, she used to teach Sociology at Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences) in Germany. Since then, she has been involved in feminist activism.

Vandana Shiva is an Indian theoretical physicist, philosopher and activist. She is the founder of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy (RFSTN) which has been working towards advancing sustainable agricultural methods since 1982. She has actively talked about issues in areas like intellectual property rights, biotechnology, bioethics and genetic engineering.

An overview of the book

Ecofeminism was published in 1993. Authors Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva, through 20 thought-provoking essays, emphasize on the key issues that can be classified to come under the Ecofeminist movement.

What are the key issues addressed?

The book is a twofold critique of the detrimental consequences of capitalism and the Marxist commodification of nature. Under these come issues like consumerism, use of genetically modified seeds, reproductive rights, problems faced by women in agriculture (especially in third-world countries), feminist spirituality and more.

What is the link between feminism and environmentalism?

Women, Nature and Disasters

It was while rallying against ecological and atomic destruction that women activists saw the link between patriarchal violence and ecological destruction. The common stages of this — aggression, conquest, possession and control were pointed out by advocates of this view.

The damage that military and corporates (both of which are male dominated) caused to the environment, also damaged women. (Read the articles linked at the end of the blog for information on the gendered impact of the disasters discussed below)

This has been supported with examples like that of Switzerland’s La Roche-Givaudan poisoning at Seveso (1976), in which a large number of women and children suffered long-term harm.

Another example given is that of Bhopal’s Gas Disaster (1984), in which women were the worst hit.

The instance of German women’s protests against the construction of nuclear power plants in their country is another case where women (a percentage of them being farmers) saw the correlation between war technology and harm to nature, women and children.

Perhaps the worst disaster mentioned is the Chernobyl disaster. Women suffered more as their reproductive and mental health was (and continues to) suffer severely.

Therefore, ecofeminists saw the destruction of patriarchy as a positive step towards both ecological conservation and women welfare.

Science and Technology

The extent of prevalence of gender discrimination and misogyny can also be gauged from the practices of developments in biotechnology, reproductive technology and genetic engineering. Established in 1984, the Feminist International Network of Resistance to Genetic and Reproductive Engineering (FINRRAGE) was one of the first organizations to rally against injustices against women in related fields.

The worrying practice of the third-world countries being used as human laboratories by multinational drug corporations is highlighted. The example of injectable contraceptives (which are banned in the US) being tested on women in the developing countries is given.

Sweden, Bangladesh, Brazil and Germany are some countries in which women actively rallied against the development of technologies which aimed at scientifically controlling fertility. Women saw this kind of advancement as an attack on their generative capacity and linked it with the man-caused destruction of nature’s productive capacities. Also highlighted were the ethical, economic and health implications of such technologies.


There are also harmful implications of the certain technologies for agriculture. A good example would be the use of genetically modified seeds. The ill-effects of this have been felt acutely in the third world countries. Emphasizing how women view seed “as the continuity of life”, as opposed to men’s primary concern of soil’s productivity, Vandana Shiva points out how multinational corporation are causing agriculture, women and nature great harm. By patenting seeds, these corporations have taken them to be their creation and thus nullify the heritage custody of indigenous women. Ecofeminists are against such organizations that threaten the heritage and livelihood of women farmers.

Furthermore, the dominant practice of monoculture-based agriculture has taken a huge toll on the fertility of soil. Increased and often improper use of chemicals like pesticides have aggravated the damage caused to environment. If the knowledge of indigenous women is used in farming, there could be substantial crop and soil improvement. Hence, the book advocates for an increased involvement of women in a newer, gender-balanced ‘Green Revolution’.


Shiva and Mies address the spiritual and philosophical angle of ecofeminism in the following ways:


Both the authors emphasize on the presence of interconnectedness of all present ecological systems and the life forms that reside within them. In order to achieve social justice and sustainability, it is imperative that we recognize and respect this interconnectedness. This worldview of one of holistic and spiritual basis, emphasizing on the unity of all beings. It criticizes the materialistic worldview perpetuated by capitalism and Marxism.

For example — deforestation not only destroys habitats but also affects the overall balance of ecosystems like impacting water cycles and weather patterns.

Scared Earth

Emphasis is placed on the need to recognize Earth as a scared entity that deserves protection and respect from its inhabitants. The authors criticize the dominant patriarchal and capitalist systems that expolit nature to generate profits. They propose the development of a more harmonious and sustainable system to replace the current, exploitative one. Here, the need to recognize Earth’s intrinsic value and treat it with reverence is emphasized.

For example — sustainable agriculture should be practiced so that nature is not exploited for short-term gains.

Indigenous Wisdom

Mies and Shiva believe that there is great scope for drawing inspiration from the spiritual traditions of indigenous cultures. This kind of knowledge, they claimed, prioritizes reverence for nature and sustainability. This would challenge the prevailing Western system by proposing one more focused on ecological well-being. This subsistence perspective would value local, sustainable practices over profit and foster a sense of independence within local communities.

For example — implementing traditional ecological knowledge for land management for better preservation of biodiversity.

Healing and Transformation

A transformative change is required at individual and societal level for ecological and societal healing. The root causes of ecological destruction that are deeply ingrained in cultural, economic and political systems need to be addressed. Such an act would require a shift in consciousness and values.

For example — adopting a more mindful lifestyle, reducing carbon footprint, supporting sustainable policies and the like.

Duality Criticized

Shiva’s and Mies’ Ecofeminism is a critique of the dichotomies of male/female, nature/culture, mind/body and human/non-human. These dichotomies reinforce practices of exploitation, oppression and ecological destruction. These need to be challenged and dissected to pave the way for a more inclusive and interconnected understanding of the world.

For example — choosing eco-friendly alternatives (like renewable energy sources) wherever possible, instead of those that harm the environment (like non-renewable, conventional sources).

Inspiration from Goddess-Based Religion

Ecofeminism draws inspiration from Goddess-based religion because of their emphasis on the sacredness of the nature and feminine. They highlight the value of nurturing and caretaking, and of developing a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with the Earth.

Reclamation of Women’s Sensuality

The importance of reclamation and celebration of women’s relationship with their experiences and perspectives, especially those pertaining to their sensuality and its embodiment, is emphasized upon. This would challenge the existing patriarchal norms and allow women to better connect with their bodies, emotions and the natural world. The importance of practices of self-care, self-exploration and self-empowerment is highlighted. These would pave a way for a deeper sense of interconnectedness between women and the environment.

New Age and Esoteric Movements

The critical engagement of feminism with the new age and esoteric movements is emphasized upon. practices like those of yoga, meditation, alternative health practices etc. have been taken from the oriental (particularly Indian and Chinese) cultures to be commodified by their previous colonizers in the Western world. The authors criticize the materialistic way in which the culture of the East has been taken up by the spiritually eroded West.


This book helps in analyzing issues relating to patriarchy, modern science and capitalist culture through socio-ecological lenses. Its three main points of discussion are:

  1. Women’s important role as guardians of biodiversity
  2. Threat posed by biotechnology against third-world countries, including testing of harmful reproductive technologies
  3. The patenting of seeds by multinational seed corporations, monoculture-crop farming, and its repercussions
  4. The importance of ecofeminist spirituality and its reinterpretation

Other Relevant Literature

  1. Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale: Women in the International Division of Labor by Maria Mies (1986)
  2. Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her by Susan Griffin (1978)
  3. How Women Can Save The Planet by Anne Karpf (2021)
  4. Staying Alive: Women, Ecology, and Development by Vandana Shiva (1988)

References/Read Also



The Thinking Lane
The Thinking Lane

Written by The Thinking Lane

Hi! I am Kritika Parakh. I am a philosophy grad trying to make sense of philosophical topics. Any criticism/corrections/comments are welcome.

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